Supporting Success for Students,
Empowering Excellent Educators
The Clovis Municipal Schools Education Foundation is a locally run 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to furthering the reaches of education within our community, focused on granting scholarship opportunities for students and super-charging classroom creativity and learning with grants for K-12 educators within the Clovis Municipal Schools district.
Latest News
Clovis High School Hall of Honors Welcomes New Alumni Inductees
On June 1, 2024, the Clovis Civic Center hosted a memorable event honoring the distinguished alumni of Clovis High School at the Hall of Honor
Parkview Elementary Grant Recipient for 2021-2022
Congratulations to Parkview Elementary CMS Education Foundation Grant Recipient - project "Let’s Bring Classrooms Alive!" We look forward to seeing your project grow!
Zia Elementary 2021-2022 Grant Recipient
Congratulations to Zia Elementary - CMS Education Foundation Grant Recipient project "Classroom Behavior Management Toolkit!" We know that you will accomplish much with this grant!
Clovis High School Wins Convocation Competition 2021
Congratulations to Clovis High School the winners at the Convocation Competition! They'll get to have a catered staff event at the Civic Center! Great Job
Scholarship Recipient Danielle Griego
Some words about Danielle Griego CMS Education Foundation Award Winner - Danielle will be graduating number one of her class with her high school diploma
Scholarship Recipient Katie Reeb
Meet 2020-2021 CHS Graduate Katie Reeb - "As a cancer survivor of sixteen years, life has thrown many hardships at me that not many students